

Virtual Bookkeeping: Why Your Small Business Needs to Hire A Remote Bookkeeper

Look at you! You’ve come this far and your dream of building a successful business looks right on course! The enterprise is glowing and growing.  However, there is one thing you aren’t quite sure of — the state of your books.  You’re not alone. Understandably, many small businesses meet themselves in such circumstances mainly due […]

Managing GST and the Common Mistakes We See

The Goods and Services (GST) tax applies to almost all goods and services in Canada. It also applies to supplies in real property, including land and buildings.  Most Canadian businesses are responsible for collecting and remitting the GST on taxable goods and services they offer. However, without the proper knowledge on where GST is applicable, […]

Accountant vs. Bookkeeper

Who Brings What To The Table? It’s easy to get stuck on job titles and what kind of work each person is expected to do. The question of responsibilities can then be answered by breaking down the tasks and defining exactly what work needs to be completed. Most importantly, who you hire depends on your […]

Tight Cash Flow: The Secret to Effective Budgeting

As we know, Cash is King. Especially in business.  Understanding when you have high points and low points in your business’s cash flow can help you make better choices regarding the next investment needed for your business.  Developing a budget is a variable for determining your cash flow.   What is a Cash Flow Statement? Simply […]

Keeping Track of Your Business Expenses Properly

Proper tracking of business expenses is an essential aspect of your bookkeeping process. Not only does it streamline the financial year end process by lessening the burden of any last minute chaotic organization, it also helps keep you, your accountant and your bookkeeper, sane. Collecting proper documentation is required to justify any business expense. Let’s […]

Why You Need to be Reconciling

Reconciling credit card accounts and bank account statements with your company’s own financial records ensures accuracy in your accounting process and helps detect any fraud or discrepancies.  A bank or credit card reconciliation requires a comparison between all transactions carried out by a company and all of the transactions that occurred in various accounts (such […]

The Basics of Setting Up Payroll For Your Small Business

As a small business owner, setting up payroll is one of those essential tasks you must take care of. If you’ve never had to handle payroll before, the prospect can be initially intimidating. However, setting up payroll is not that difficult once you know what to do. Here are the seven basic steps to follow. Register Running […]

How small businesses can use PAD – Indigo Bookkeeping and Rotessa

Written by: Alissa Gagnon – Rotessa If you’re a small business owner, you likely take credit cards and debit cards as payment. Plastic is convenient for most consumers, but it has drawbacks to business owners. Credit cards and debit cards come with fees ranging from 2% to 4%. Though this may not seem like a problem […]

Case Study: Food & Beverage Industry

Our team fills the gaps in bookkeeping, payables, and payroll, ensuring accuracy and tax compliance. Keeping up with accounting for restaurants requires a great deal of time, diligent bookkeeping, and constant upkeep. Our clients find that our systems give them clarity on cash flow and give them peace of mind.